Hear from My Satisfied Learners

On this page, you’ll find heartfelt testimonials from individuals who have embarked on transformative journeys with me. My testimonials are divided into two distinct categories for your convenience.

How It works?

Welcome to My Testimonials Page

Therapy Course Testimonials:

This section features experiences from those who have participated in our comprehensive therapy courses. These stories highlight personal growth, learning, and the profound impact of our training provided to psychologists, psychiatrists and clinical hypnotherapist in many countries.

Stage Hypnosis Testimonials

Here, you’ll read about the exhilarating and educational experiences of those who have engaged with our stage hypnosis programs. These testimonials showcase the fun, excitement, and unique skill development that our stage hypnosis course offers.

Therapy Course


   India, 2023

 “I attended Attila’s hypnosis based regression session and basic hypnosis workshop. This is not a basic course in my view Attila.

Also one more thing Attila, your personal life examples are mind blowing. Your unique methods helped me to understand a unique style of going to the root cause of the client’s issue, understanding the secondary gains and how those unresolved programs turn into coping mechanisms.  Very grateful to Attila for equipping me with amazing tools, resources and skill set needed to be a successful Hypnotherapist 🙏
Blessed to have you as my mentor Attila. Your teachings started to have a high level of influence on me 🙏
Thanks a lot Attila. I mean it when I said these sessions are more than therapy and beyond trainings 🙏
Attila’s decades of experience and knowledge helps us to go to the client’s issue within no time. His basic course was much more advanced than many advanced courses in Hypnotherapy.
Yes Attila. This training is altogether a different level.
Thank you for all the love, support, guidance, healing, teaching and mentoring Attila 🙏
‘More than therapy and beyond training’ is my theme for your workshop.
Hi Attila, I was going through the recording of the session where you did one to one session with me and taught your Regression style.
Wow what a revision.
I feel more equipped with skills especially when it comes to Regression work.
If at this level I am feeling so confident and skilful. I am surprised what could be the expertise level one can gain with your complete training Attila.
So fortunate i am to be able to learn from you.
The way you handled the group was mind blowing Attila
Very grateful to you Attila, the level of inspiration I get is next level.
You bring beauty by combining psychology, spirituality, hypnosis and other modalities under one roof Attila

Nizam Thondoru

Counselling Psychologist, EFT Master Trainer, NLP Trainer and Clinical Hypnotherapist


British Columbia, 2023

My interest in the field of hypnotherapy was ignited by friends with various unresolved issues unable to move forward in their lives. I initially enrolled in the Basic Hypnosis course to get a better understanding of this modality. I soon learned that Mr. Kun’s knowledge and expertise were as unique and interesting as he is. This led me to take all of the Academy’s courses and become an internationally certified hypnotherapist.

Attila stands on the shoulders of such greats in hypnotherapy as Gil Boyne, Dave Elman, and Milton Erickson as well as historical psychologists like Freud and Jung amalgamating their theories and practices to create an all-encompassing and highly effective version of hypnotherapy. He has an innate ability to not only make the educational experience highly relatable but also easy to digest. His teaching style is very organic and includes numerous case studies and student participation. You receive practical experience along with informative instruction so you leave each class with a broader understating of yourself and the material. The textbooks are well-written, and expansive, with references to further pertinent information to widen your knowledge base.

I highly recommend the courses offered at the International Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Academy. If you’re considering becoming a counsellor or therapist this is a sound investment to ensure you not only help but heal your clients effectively and efficiently.

Stephen Morrison

Registered Hypnotherapist


Budapest, 2020

Attila’s personality is captivating. I loved when he told me about his life. From the moment I walked in the door until the diploma was handed over, I felt that I was in the right place. All questions were answered. He delivered the material effectively, simply and practically. Every day I went home with the knowledge that “Yes! I need this! I was waiting for this! This is what I want to do!”
Endless gratitude and thanks for teaching me the essence of the profession. Thank you that I can finally live my own life and finally unleash the power that lies within me!

Zoltán Bercsényi

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist


Ontario, 2009

Dear Attila,

Thank you very much for being my teacher. You are an amazing teacher and friend.

Your dedication, patience and kindness are exceptional.

Your teachings are inspirational, and your stage hypnosis shows and training are a beautiful expression of your values in life and demonstrate your proficiency in using suggestions artistically with diligence and attention to detail and always honoring the dignity, goodness and value of your volunteers and audience.

You taught from your heart and shared your profound wisdom and knowledge about stage hypnosis, marketing strategies and personal enhancement skills with integrity and passion.

You inspired me to have faith and trust in myself and my unlimited potential and share my unique gifts with others. 

I highly recommend this course to all hypnotherapists who feel the calling to learn to use stage hypnosis with respect and reverence for their volunteers and audience or for those who want to enhance their marketing and presentation skills for therapeutic use or personal enrichment.

Blessings on your chosen journey.

Love and Respect 

Lucia Engeneer

Creator of Inversum, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist


Budapest, 2010

“In September, I took part in Attila’s hypnosis course, which will remain a decisive experience for me forever. I finished the foundation course in April and was really looking forward to continuing my studies with Attila. Through my father (Dr. László Domján – Agykontroll/Silva Method), I already learned a lot about our subconscious, but the hypnosis course gave me a complete picture of the subject. In addition to the fact that I received a profession, which I have been practicing diligently since then, the learning process was an experience that I could not have imagined even in my wildest dreams. The curriculum is professional, Attila as a teacher and mentor was simply fantastic and I was able to achieve wonderful results after a very short time. Attila paid a lot of attention to the participants throughout and helped us solve our own problems, which proved to be essential in order to be able to help others as well. Since then, I have had my own office and website, and I can happily say that I have already managed to help many people with what I have learned! I am grateful to fate that I was able to learn from what I believe to be one of the greatest professional available in this field. I am really looking forward to the moment when hypnosis will be so widespread in Hungary that medical professionals will recognise it and dare to recommend it to their clients, or learn this profession themselves.

I wholeheartedly recommend Attila’s course to everyone who has set a goal of helping people! Thank you so much for the great knowledge you have passed on! My life changed, it got a new purpose and meaning, which I understood through you. Thank you for allowing me to call myself your friend

András Domján

Creator of Inversum, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Oklahoma, 2024

Hypnosis!: Are you serious about hypnotherapy training and certification? Seriously interested in hypnotherapy training at its highest level so that you may have a career as a hypnotherapist? As a second generation clinical hypnotherapist I say because my father took the very first license course in America and was a hypnotherapist medical for 27 years and I’ve been a hypnotherapist for 17 years full time clinical hypnotherapist I decided to take recertification training. More than likely one of the most adept and steeped in this knowledge. The certifications are beautiful and IMDHA, ACHE and NGH accredited. I’ve been in recertification training under the guides of Attila Kun for the last year and I vouch that this is the best training course you could possibly attend. Good luck passing the test.

Patrick Coleman



Detroit, 2021

My name is Helga Bakk and I am a mental health therapist. Attila’s courses transformed my personal life and helped me to process and resolve issues that have been holding me back since I was a child. Not only did these courses transform my personal life but also my therapy practice. Attila brings new information that I have never even considered, but also a new perspective and integration of the information that makes it easy to understand and put into daily practice and has transformed the way I work with clients. These courses combine and condense information and practices that would take decades to learn and apply.

Helga Bakk

Licensed Professional Counsellor, LLPC, CAADC


Dominican Republic, 2020

“It’s been a year since I completed 3 courses in a row with Attila in Dominica, I could say 0-24, because I travelled to him in Dominican Republic to Puerto Plata, and I could ask him almost non-stop, and he answered non-stop. I had a lot of questions, but I didn’t feel tired or bored during my stay. I got answers, we practiced a lot, I received hypnotherapy almost every day.

I was out for 18 days. From early in the morning until late at night, even while going to the beach, we talked almost exclusively about hypnosis and the events of our own lives. Why did things happen and what patterns and programs could have been the driving forces. We thought we would discover many common programs. For example, none of us likes the name János, etc. similarities.

The trip took place because Attila offered very favorable conditions, which made me think why not…

I think approx. I was the only one who traveled to Dominica as if I had only gone to Eger. With a backpack. Attila also asked me where my suitcase was at the airport, because he even came out to meet me, and we said goodbye there as well after the course.

Traveling is no longer a challenge for me. In previous years, approx. I flew 60,000 km for my job at the time. Maybe I took this lightly, but to this day I really don’t understand why everyone doesn’t want to be there instead.

Right after the course, Attila asked me to write and evaluate being outside.

If I had done it earlier, I would have only written about how Attila is a great host, in a wonderful place, and that everyone should really go to Dominica, because with Attila’s offer, it is better to study there than in Budapest.

As for the price-value ratio, everything is relative. There are things that are priceless. What Attila gives in addition to the course is like this. I listened to a 12-hour recording online that was made in Switzerland and cost the person who was there $10,000. (Youtube) He didn’t give his 10% like Attila’s course.

So I didn’t write right away because I felt that this course shook belief systems, overturned sabotage programs, and dissolved, transformed programs more deeply than anything before it. It took him time to mature and he is still working. I guessed right, because during the course I also received therapy, we transformed a lot.
I have a great 1 year behind me. I have achieved things that I did not dare to allow myself. There was quite a lot of Dolce Vita. Sailing, Cabrio, etc. New friends, communities.

There is much more happiness around me. I meet people with a positive attitude.
When I got home after the course, I immediately started reading. There were times when I read 7 books at the same time, because sometimes I came across a sentence that I could meditate on for days. In such cases, I put it aside, rested a bit, and read something else, allowing time for it to settle in. I didn’t read fiction…
Philosophy, psychology, philosophy of religion, hypnosis literature, etc. I managed to read 38 such books in 1 year. There are things I haven’t finished to this day, e.g. The Teaching of Miracles and Sri Aurobindo.

Although I didn’t immediately start advertising myself as a hypnotherapist, maybe I never will, but nevertheless I have perfectly incorporated hypnotic language patterns into my everyday life, and it complements my work fantastically.

I can plant a lot of positive suggestions, seeds, and watch them grow in admiration.
Several started their own business, several wrote books, some started self-improvement, letting something new into their lives. Some have become therapists. Some have developed their business. Some have lost weight. There are those who have achieved outstanding sports performance. Some have changed jobs. There are those who have a happy relationship. But there are also those who have been cured of a serious physical illness.

I am happy to see them, and probably Attila too, and anyone else, because we are all links in a big community.

Unfortunately, Attila doesn’t have the best marketing because he can’t cover everything.
A Guru for me. A Seeding Guru! Authentic!”

Every seeker deserves to be around Attila.

Thank you Attila!


Hungary, 2015

When I decided to study hypnosis, I had already been involved in mind development for years. In the beginning, I thought that completing a course or two would definitely help me in my work, but as I looked more and more deeply into this wonderful world, the horizon opened up in front of me. Then, the initial flickering enthusiasm ignited the love of a new profession in my heart, and already in the first year I completed a total of 6 different courses here, within the framework of the International Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Academy. Choosing this hypnosis school was the result of a well-founded decision, and the weeks I spent at the Academy proved to me that this school in Hungary represents the professionalism that the largest international organizations rightfully recognize. And the instructors are all people who are true torchbearers of this noble profession. What I learned here fundamentally changed my life and thus the lives of my clients. Today, I am no longer the person who decided in 2015 to embark on this journey. Thank you Attila!

László Bertalan

CCHt., Parts Therapy Facilitator, NLP, Agykontroll

Florida, IMDHA convention, 2019

“Thank you.

Attila, for your superb teaching today at the IMDHA workshop. You offered a unique, practical, creative approach to the time age regression.

In your hands this technique gained on creativity, energy, focus, logic and effectiveness.

Thank you for combining teaching with leading participants into their self-discoveries.

I learned and experienced, transformed!”


Wieslaw “Wes” Rocki



Budapest, 2019

“Dear Attila! You are one of the most defining figures of my life this year, and one of the most defining – if not THE most defining – training of my life is what I was able to learn from you (HT, MHT, HTH, CHT).

At the end of the hypnotherapist course, I wrote a few lines about the training, a recommendation. I put it aside. I wanted to go forward in time, to feel the effect of the alchemical work going on inside me and to see and experience the fruits and results of my own work using hypnotherapy on my clients. I wanted to give time to the IMPACT that I experienced during the one-month, intensive, “locked in a room”, working on opening hearts, souls and subconscious minds, and in an open, accepting, impulsive, humorous, inspiring, creative atmosphere.

I missed you. I miss you for a long time. I was afraid of whether I would be able to continue to develop “out there”, even after my one-month Pomáz retreat, whether I would be able to take the heat, energy, passion and inner certainty with me, kindle it in myself and pass it on to others, which there, with you, between you, I inhaled it on a daily basis. I watched the inner path, which I continued to follow.

Thanks to the bachelor’s degree, I found my Partner, with whom we build our common future and enrich our present.  I’m happy, we’re happy!

After the bachelor’s degree, the following drummed in me: “this, this is it! I can finally >>legally<< my world”. With almost twenty years of continuing education repertoire behind me, it seemed that I had returned to the source (root cause), to where I started and to where I have to work. I say this along with the fact that all my further educations up to now have added something to who I have become, and I am grateful for them.

I am also grateful for the successful event that took place there, during the Pomáz course. I am certain that “hypnosis” is part of my thinking, part of my being, and that I want to support and serve others based on what I have learned, but I could not reconcile it either then or now with this being the main source of my income, this is how I live. That’s when the point of success came, I achieved a set goal and I was hired for a job where I’ve been happily doing what I love ever since, which is my other passion besides hypnotherapy 🙂 I work with teachers, I participate in bringing about paradigm shifts, I develop curriculum, hold trainings, love and I give (and receive) positive feedback, and in addition, in the evenings and on weekends, I help others overcome their individual obstacles, find their own insights, and start a new life based on the answers received from their subconscious, or simply accept and accept the good that is approaching them at the speed of light. These positive changes at the speed of light, miraculous experiences like a meteor impact, gild my weeks.

Thank you, Attila! Thank you for the greatness of your training, their diversity of content, the incredibly powerful and deep and even long training manuals, the supportive presence, the fact that there was no break even during the breaks, because all our attention and thoughts revolved around hypnotherapy, yet not during any breaks we were hungry, because you even cooked for us. Thank you for your care, your humour, your magic tricks, your guidance, your appeals (whether it’s about our consciousness or our subconscious, you both hit the target, you were effective:)). Thank you for the inexhaustibility of your professional knowledge and energy, your commitment, and your teachings. And most of all, how and with what finesse you have chosen, how to treat us individually and as a group.”

With gratitude and love,

Dr. Emese Szarka



Australia, 2010

“Attila! – Thank you very much for giving me knowledge that has radically changed my life. Finding my way back to my roots, living cleanly, honestly and successfully, in short BEING MYSELF.

I wish from the bottom of my heart that the deep love that exists within you and around you will accompany you in every moment of your life. Experience the miracle as you have already created it in your mind. Be blessed and know that when you look up at the sky, at the stars, you have found another friend…

Thank you.”


London, 2024

Very comprehensive and profound courses. I cannot recommend these hypnotherapy courses highly enough. I’ve been a certified hypnotherapist for 3 years now, having trained with Attila J. Kun and these courses have fundamentally changed my life. Within 1 year his courses opened up completely different perspectives of life for me. Attila is highly intuitive and skilled in transforming people’s lives involving deep emotional healing work and guiding people towards their aspirations. I’m so grateful to him for sharing his unique experiences with me and helping me anytime when I require his supervision.

Ivett L. Jozsa

Certified Hypnotherapist, Anorgasmia Specialist


Austria, 2013

Dear Attila
I have been to many courses in my life! What I experienced in your courses was Fantastic, well worth the price. The great knowledge, multifaceted information, and many case studies that you have acquired over the decades, you gave me honestly, directly, helpfully and very authentically, which I can use not only in therapy, but also in my everyday life. After completing each course, I underwent a personality change. My life, my outlook on life, has changed. Thank you for letting me learn from you. My childhood dream came true! 🙂 I will recommend it to everyone!!!

Richard Gombos

Certified Hypnotherapist

Stage Hypnosis Course


Hollywood, 1995

“I may know about movie magic, but you are the real thing”.

Arnold Schwarzenegger


Attila received 19 awards since 2005 for his presentation at International hypnosis conferences – Gil Boyne (ACHE)

Dr. John Butler (ACHE)

Robert Otto (IMDHA).

 Windsor, 2009

“Dear Attila,

Thank you very much for being my teacher. You are an amazing teacher and friend. Your dedication, patience and kindness are exceptional.

Your teachings are inspirational, and your stage hypnosis shows and training are a beautiful expression of your values in life and demonstrate your proficiency in using suggestions artistically with diligence and attention to detail and always honouring the dignity, goodness and value of your volunteers and audience.

You taught from your heart and shared your profound wisdom and knowledge about stage hypnosis, marketing strategies and personal enhancement skills with integrity and passion.

 You inspired me to have faith and trust in myself and my unlimited potential and share my unique gifts with others.

I highly recommend this course to all hypnotherapists who feel the calling to learn to use stage hypnosis with respect and reverence for their volunteers and audience or for those who want to enhance their marketing and presentation skills for therapeutic use or personal enrichment.

Blessings on your chosen journey. Love and Respect,”

Lucia Engineer

Ph.D Psychology


Edmonton, 2006

“I attended your Stage Hypnosis Course at the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta.
This was one of the best experiences I had in my life! I was impressed by the level of your knowledge, expertise, professionalism, honesty, and skills. I am proud of the fact that I was taught by definitely benefit of your enormous experience and expertise. I would also recommend this course to psychologists, psychiatrists, actors who will be able to greatly expand their understanding of human psychology.” 

Dr. Andrei Poukhovski

MD.,Ph.D. Psychiatrist
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta
Member of Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis,
and International Society of Clinical Hypnosis
Regional Mental Health Program


Sherwood Park, 2004

“From the bottom of my heart…

This is just a note of thank you Attila and Anny for the stage course. If you are thinking of looking into this area of entertainment I cannot recommend this course high enough. Anny couldn’t have gotten a better person to teach this course. Attila is first and foremost just a great guy who is VERY knowledgeable in this field (20 years?? I think) He won’t baby sit you but if you are there to learn…believe me that is what you will do. He is very generous with his time and his expertise. Not only will he teach you the in’s and out’s of the business. He covers such a large trove of information. I can’t imagine leaving a course more prepared for my new career than this one. I really feel fortunate to have experienced it. Thank you.”

Winston Bradley



San Francisco, 2008

“Attila, you are one of the greatest practitioners in this art on this planet. Your tremendous background, thoughtful consideration, values, ethics, passion dedication are unprecedented! You are not far off from completely transforming this entire field. There is a critical mass of beneficial changes coming and you are uniquely poised to help redefine our profession to become a true profession in each sense of the word.”

Dr. Umesh Tiwari



India, 2024

I completed a Stage Hypnosis (SH) course with Attila. Before this course, I had already taken various hypnotherapy courses from other institutes. What stood out in the SH course was that it gave me the ability to pay attention to even the small details of my clients, which I wasn’t previously aware of. I feel that the SH course should be made mandatory before someone is certified as a hypnotherapist. Learning from a living legend with more than three decades of stage show experience helped me immensely.

Nizam Thondoru

Counselling Psychologist, EFT Master Trainer, NLP Trainer and Clinical Hypnotherapist


Singapore, 2006

“Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity to learn about stage hypnosis. You cleared up so many of my misconceptions. Your great creativity, innovation, professionalism simply mesmerized me. thank you for all the kind words and encouragement. It is I who must thank you for the opportunity to learn stage hypnosis. I am so glad you sent the earlier email. I had a wonderful time and truly enjoyed every moment of the seminar. I am seriously thinking of joining your course on magic if you have any. Hope one day I can arrange for you to visit us in Asia and maybe perform? Sincere thanks.”

Thiew Chai Ong

Professor of Psychiatry


Edmonton, 2001

“I would like to offer some thoughts with respect to the Stage Hypnosis Training
After taking the course, I now realize the value, being a certified Hypnotherapist since 1993, I thought I would have no real need for this training. Much to my surprise I found I learned a great deal and it was very rewarding. I was given some tips and tools that will certainly help me to be more proficient in my Hypnotherapy practice. I want to thank Attila (our instructor) for a most enjoyable seminar. It was filled with new information, humor, sincerity and a wealth of knowledge as a result of his many years of experience as a professional performer. The content of the course was well presented, and the “Personal Development” segment is easily integrated into therapy, making it so much more effective.

I recommend this training to any of my colleagues who have not yet had the opportunity to expand their personal and professional potential. In Closing, once again I say thank you Attila for a most enjoyable learning experience.”

Gary Schuster


Letter from Gil Boyne “The Hypnotist of the Century” to Attila – 2005

“Hello Attila,

I have watched your show on DVD and consider it excellent.  You have very good stage presence.  You avoid sexual content.  You let the subjects perform rather than trying to always be the center of attention yourself.  Your voice and vocabulary are excellent and appropriate; you are never over the top with overly dramatic voice or acting.  Your slight accent enhances your presentation.  I rate your show a 9.75 on a scale of 10. 

You will teach your full week Stage Hypnosis Course at the 21st International Hypnotherapy Conference in Glendale California 2006.  The American Council of Hypnotist Examiner will recognise you with a Certificate of an Approved Stage Hypnosis Instructor and you will be the first one to receive it in the world.   American Council of Hypnotist Examiners will market your show DVD on our web site and our school.


You are the Premiere Stage Hypnotist – #1. With Respect,

Gil Boyne

Director American Council of Hypnotist Examiner


New Zealand, 2005

“I just wanted to write and to thank you for your Stage Hypnosis training.
I had looked half-heartedly at several Stage Hypnosis courses over the years, but all were presented either one-on-one or they were just e-books sold over the internet. The one-on-one courses were advertised as being presented by “the great someone or other” and required that I travel from New Zealand to hand over a substantial sum of money in order to spend a couple of days with someone I had never heard of, who was no doubt an experienced stage performer, but might not be an effective educator. When I found your course, delivered every year as a group training event at a recognized educational institution, I jumped at the chance to attend. Both you and Anny Slegten were very welcoming and willing to accommodate someone like myself who had done his hypnosis training elsewhere. To be honest, I didn’t know what to expect from your course, but I got what I needed and much more. You have a simple and clear educational style and took us step by step through all aspects of setting up and delivering a comedy hypnosis stage show. I was especially grateful for your thorough coverage of “things that go wrong” and how these can be coped with.
Good things about your course:

  • Your huge experience on stage and as a hypnotist
    · The ability to discuss and practice with other participants
    · Step by step guides to staging a show, routines, presentation, clothing, technology etc.
    · Debriefs of prior hypno-shows, and analysis of what works and what might not work.
    · Networking with other budding stage hypnotists who are just starting out.
    By the end of the course I felt fully prepared to stage my own hypno-show and had formed some lasting friendships. Even though I had never been on stage as an entertainer, I arranged a charity gig for a few weeks after the course and gave a good 1st show. Since then I have done more charity shows and commercial bookings, knowing that your course has given me an excellent start to my show biz career. Thank you again for your great training course and for your support and feedback.”

Gerard Verschuren

Master Stage Hypnotist


Calgary, 1997

“I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much I learned and gained from your course, Hypnosis 501/502. Not only was it extremely beneficial from the entertainment aspect of hypnosis, but I also cannot count how many times I have used information you presented in the course in my clinical hypnotherapy practice as well. I commend you on the professional presentation of the material, the quality of the material and especially the huge manual of information we received. It has been referenced many times. Even though you make a large percentage of your income on stage hypnosis, you were extremely generous in sharing your stunts and what I call your “tricks and traps”. Every time you teach a course you could be creating your own competition. It takes a dedicated teacher to do that.
I wish you well in your future teaching, I know without a doubt that it will be an asset to every hypnotist, clinical or stage. In fact, I think it should be a mandatory class.”

    Marilyn Olsen

    Master Hypnotist, CCHt.


    Denmark, 2006

    “I was one of the Danes at your seminar last month. I just want to tell you that I tried some of the instant inductions. To my own shock they went very well. All until now went to the ground. I even made a full body catalepsy on its my experience that with this induction people go straight to Aronsscale 6+ . It’s good on the scene and good in the clinic. The best induction for me is where you take the hand and walk around with people and then turn myself around, hand on the head and shout Sleep. Soon after a little practice I will be a fully professional Stage-hypnotist. Thanks again for sharing your know-how.”

    Svend Steenstrup



    Edmonton, 2002 

    “I would just like to say thank you again, for the excellent course you provided for us all last week. You challenged me to think in different ways and to view information in different perspectives. The knowledge I gained from you will be invaluable to me as I begin to work as a hypnotherapist. Although, at this time, I do not expect to be an entertainer having this knowledge will be valuable to me as I meet and work with people whose only real exposure to hypnosis is that of stage hypnosis.
    I would highly recommend your course to anyone and look forward to meeting you again.”

    Keri Klark


    Los Angeles, 2011

    “Hi Attila,

    I wanted to let you know I just finished seeing your entire stage course, and I wanted to compliment you on its content.

     I’ve taken a lot of hypnosis courses, and while I’ve learned a tremendous amount from all of these courses, I believe your course is the best I’ve seen, for several reasons. First, your emphasis on safety (both physical and emotional) is unique, as many hypnotists simply don’t see that as important. Second, you back up these lessons by actual footage of problems that happened during shows. And third, you continually stress respect for the volunteers, and keeping the humour light, and kind-spirited.

    I can truthfully say that, in terms of stage hypnosis artistry, I haven’t seen anyone even remotely close to your talent or skill. In fact, I don’t think any stage hypnotist in the US, including Marc Savard, can produce anything like the type of show you produce. I’m sure it’s because of your circus training background, your magic background, and your dedication to ethical hypnosis.

     I am a trained cancer surgeon, and while I’m not in practice any longer, I can tell you that the core values I learned in training for surgery were identical to what you are teaching in stage hypnotism. The surgical patient is truly unconscious and temporarily paralyzed by chemical anaesthesia, and therefore their entire safety is in the hands of the surgical team. In this condition they are vulnerable physically and emotionally, and that can never be forgotten. They can fall, get accidental injuries, or absorb ideas from improper language, and all of this must be kept in mind by the surgeon, for the sake of the patient’s well-being.

    I think I relate to you as a teacher because your philosophy is very much analogous to what I was exposed to as a surgeon.”

    Kenneth Kern

    MD, MPH, CH.


    London, 2006

    “Dear Attila,

    I’ve read through your 217 pages stage hypnosis manual and it’s the best I’ve read on the subject. I’m delighted to contribute to the course and participate in helping with establishing hypnotherapy in Hungary. If there’s anything further I can do to help at any time please let me know. Good luck with the rest of the courses. I look forward to seeing the photos up on the server(s) in due course. We (in the UK) will use all images and film to help publicise the free practice of hypnotherapy in Hungary.
     Let’s keep in touch. All best wishes.”

    Dr. John Butler

    PhD, MBSH, CHT, MA, BA (Hons.), DHP, Dip, A.T., Department of Anatomy & Human Sciences/ Division of Reproduction and Endocrinology King’s College London School of Medicine at Guy’s, King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospitals New Hunt’s House King’s College London.


    Oregon, 2006

    “Just a quick note to express my eternal gratitude for your expertise, patience and deep knowledge. I anticipate we’ll work and learn together in the future and eagerly look forward to those opportunities.

    Blessings to you and all you do.”

    Jay Irwin

    Ph.D Psychologist


    Germany, 2006

    “You are not just a great hypnotist, but you are also a great and wonderful Educator. Your teaching has had a great impact on me! Thanks & let’s stay in touch”.

    Hubertus Juewther



    Santa Fee, New Mexico, 2006

     “Great course, great content. I know my show will be great as well and I thank you for your love of the craft and for helping me to be a better hypnotist.”

    Doug Ottesberg

    Hypnosis Trainer


    Wisconsin, 2006

    “Attila conducted a very comprehensive and intensive stage hypnosis training in California. He inspired, explained and demonstrated many aspects and details of stage hypnosis for a large group of eager students. His extensive experience as an entertainer and hypnotist in the clinical setting made his training very worthwhile. Not only was Attila a superb example and trainer of stage hypnosis, he is a very personable and expert entertainer. This made the days and entire week fly by. He successfully guided the class through the transition from students to colleagues. Attila is a generous and patient instructor, gracefully dealing with challenges and conflicts as they arose and winning the respect of all who participated in the course. I admire and recommend Attila as an entertainer and instructor.”

    Michael Glowacki

    Mindset Coach, Consulting Hypnotists, and Hypnosis Trainer


    Sherwood Park, 2004

    “Dear Attila,

    I want to thank you both for the past week of learning. Anny – for recommending the course, even though I had no intention of becoming a stage hypnotist. Attila – for sharing your knowledge and personal experiences together with your sense of humour.

    As I wrote my intention the first day, “To add to my knowledge and use the information in a way that brings about an understanding of the power of the mind in creating reality.”, I find it is being fulfilled. The seminar has triggered a reaction of connected awareness’ that will benefit me greatly, not only as a hypnotherapist, but as an individual.

    Attila – the manual is very thorough and informative, as you have drawn from many sources to complement your professional and personal experiences. In my view, the Personal Development segment is also a valuable component, both from a therapist and a client perspective. I respect your integrity and dedication to your profession. It is through the perseverance of people like you that positive change is initiated.”

    Warm regard,

    Sue Stephens


    International Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Academy

    Phone Number

    WhatsApp: +36 70 244 6055
    CAD: 1-226-788-9251

    Business Hours


    Do you need some help?

    If you’re seeking guidance in hypnotherapy or have questions about my programs, please feel free to reach out. I’m here to support and assist you on your journey.

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    International Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Academy