(CHT) Certified Hypnotherapist – Medical
(CHT) Certified Hypnotherapist – Medical Hypnotherapy
This course provides specific training on integration of hypnosis to enhance the effectiveness of counselling in other disciplines,and vice-versa. With this course you earned the title Certified Hypnotherapist and you can become a member of ACHE, IMDHA, and or NGH.
Developed and presented by Attila Kun since 1996.
Pre-requisite: BH, HT, MHT, HTH
Price: 1470 $ CAD
Time: 8:30 am. – 5:30 pm or later
Email: ihha.ca@gmail.com
227 pages manual
Medical hypnosis
Brain disfunctions
Individual counselling
Hypnotherapy demonstrations

Course Outline
Attila János Kun’s course combining Certified Hypnotherapist – Medical Hypnosis, Gil Boyne Transforming Therapy, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung elements likely offers a comprehensive exploration of various therapeutic modalities and theoretical frameworks. Here’s how each component might contribute to the course:
1. Certified Hypnotherapist – Medical Hypnosis: This part of the course would likely focus on the practical application of hypnosis techniques within a medical context. Participants may learn about the physiological and psychological effects of hypnosis, as well as specific protocols for working with medical conditions such as pain management, stress reduction, and anxiety relief. The emphasis would be on utilizing hypnosis as a complementary therapy to traditional medical treatments.
2. Gil Boyne Transforming Therapy: Gil Boyne’s transformative therapy approach emphasizes rapid induction techniques, deep trance work, and facilitating profound therapeutic change. Participants might learn Boyne’s methods for scripting hypnotic suggestions, pacing and leading, and utilizing hypnotic phenomena to address deep-seated issues and promote personal transformation.
3. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung: Freud and Jung are foundational figures in psychology and psychotherapy, each contributing significantly to our understanding of the human mind and behavior. Participants may study key concepts from Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, such as the role of the unconscious mind, defense mechanisms, and the importance of early childhood experiences. Similarly, they might explore Jung’s concepts of archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation.
By integrating elements of Freudian and Jungian psychology with hypnotherapy techniques inspired by Boyne, participants in Attila János Kun’s course could gain a rich understanding of human psychology and therapeutic interventions. They may learn to incorporate insights from psychoanalytic theory into their hypnotherapy practice, enhancing their ability to address a wide range of client issues and facilitate deep healing and transformation.
- About life – Mark Twain
- We die once, but do we live until?
- Self-actualisation
- Hierarchy of needs – Abraham Malow
- Self-realization – Abraham Maslow
- We were all born for love and freedom – Susanna Tamaro
- 30 days visualisation – Nasa
- Hypnotherapy for transformation
- Principles of suggestions
- The law of concentrated attention
- The law of reversed effect
- Affirmations
- Conversion disorder
- Somatoform disorder
- Hypnotherapy for psychosomatic illnesses
- Inner conflict
- Motivation
- Identification
- Personal conformity
- Masochism, martyr syndrome
- Imprints of the mind
- Sexual imprints
- Organ language
- Body language
- Past experiences, experiences, memories
- False emotional memory
- Dissociative identity
- Emotions versus feelings
- Stress
- The fight-or-flight response
- Acute and chronic stress
- HPA axis
- Neurotransmitters and their function
- What controls our emotions?
- Mid brain – Limbic system
- BDNF – Brain Derived Neoruthopic Factor
- NRF 2 protein
- Glutathione
- Hyperactivity and ADHD
- Benzodiazephines
- Circadian rhythm
- Sleep
- Parts of the brain
- Neuroplasticity and hypnosis
- Prefrontal lobe and meditation, visualisation
- Enlightenment
- Cells
- Neurons, Neurogenesis
- Mitochondria
- Apoptosis
- Blood Brain Barrier
- Brain degenerative illnesses – Dementia
- Alzheimer’s
- Parkinson’s
- Mental health
- Belief without understanding is stupidity
- Depression and mood disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Autism
- Gut flora
- Free radicals, oxidative stress, antioxidants
- Biology of the nervous system and brain
- The central nervous system
- Neighbourhood and peripheral nervous system
- Peripheral nervous system
- Somatic nervous system
- Autonomic – vegetative nervous system
- Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
- Endocrine system
- Neurotransmitters – hormones
- Psychoanalysis (Freud)
- Personality structure
- Anxiety, preventive mechanisms
- Freud psychoanalysis, Ego / Id / Superego
- First topographical model
- Consciousness
- Collective consciousness (Carl Jung)
- Jung – Analytical Psychology
- Endopsychic functions
- 12 personality archetypes (Jung)
- Instinct
- Synchronicity
- The complex theory of Carl Jung
- Analytical psychology (Jung)
- Carl Jung quotes
- Dream analysis – (Freud and Jung)
- Freud’s dream interpretation
- Jung’s dream interpretation
- Esdale state trance
- The Esdale state induction
- Esdale deepening (Attila’s version)
- Returning from Esdaile trance
- Insomnia
- Accident under fear
- Post trauma release (ATR)
- Accident trauma release process
- Hypnosis for medical emergencies
- Suggestion without suggestions
- Past Life therapy regression
- GAP Syndrome – The relationship between
- Briefing on psychological disorders
- Salt, Ketosis
- Intestinal dysfunction = brain dysfunction
- Frequently asked questions about hypnosis
- Narcissist, psychopaths, sociopaths, cognitive dissonance, antisocial identity disorder
- ACHE and IMDHA Code of Ethics
- Questions your clients may have about hypnosis
- Written exam of 5 courses

Attila János Kun
Psychology, Hypnotherapy Nutrition, Diet and Health Science, Honoured Member of Delta Epsilon Tau Society,